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Scientific terms you may not know...

Antidiuretic Hormones - See Neurohormones.

Bartolin's gland: One of the lubricating glands at the vaginal orifice.

Endocrinology - Science of ductless glands and their function or the science of hormones.

Hormone - Chemical messengers that regulate cellular processes that are synthesized within cells from which they may be released and regulate function of processes of cells that are in close proximity or in cells that are far removed from the site of production or function within the cell where it is produced.

Hypothalamus - A region of the brain that controls an immense number of bodily functions and subconscious thought processes and memory. It is located in the middle of the base of the brain, and encapsulates the ventral portion of the third ventricle.

Infundibular Stalk - Connects the hypothalamus with the pituitary gland.

Limbic System - Part of the brain that contains memories.

Neurohormones - These are hormones that are produced by specialized neurons. The hormones are produced in the nuclei of the cell body pass down the axon by processes referred to as axoplasmic flow and are released from the nerve cell ending as a result of depolarization of the neurons. Examples or oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

Pheromones - Chemical communicators between animals. Pass to the surface of an animal where the pheromone volatilizes and is detected by another animal which is generally of the same species. The pheromone will influence the behavior and/or physiology of other animals. Pheromones have been described as social hormones because of their ability to coordinate activities of pairs or groups of animals. Pheromones help establish social order, serve in a defensive fashion against predators and can be involved in regulating reproductive patterns. Pheromones are of two primary types 1) signalers, which prompts a behavioral reaction and 2) primers, which alters endocrine or physiological changes. From a chemical standpoint pheromones are generally volatile fatty acids, amines or steroids.

Pituitary gland - Called the master gland, for it produces the most hormones of the body; however, its functions are regulated by the hypothalamus.

Polypeptides - Neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus that command the unconscious centers of the nervous system which regulate temperature, emotions, sleep, fear, rage and bliss.

Progestogen - A female hormone.

Vomeronasal organ (VNO) - A chemosensory organ located in the nasal septum or roof of the mouth in vertebrates.